I truly empathize with young women's challenges. This is not a condemnation of women but of radical feminist that have created this toxic environment. However, theirs an empathy gap towards men created by these feminists. The problem is that society constantly tells women your a victim and men are the victimizers. That narrative works well for the radical feminist who want to hold on to power and grab more.

The toxic narrative of victim/ victimizer creates a narcissistic mentality in young women. A sense of entitlement. Theirs a felling that men just need to fix themselves. Do better or do it like a women would. A sense of superiority. This widens the empathy gap towards men.

When you think about it; how can you empathize with someone who is victimizing you. Especially if the radical feminist create the fear porn that men want to set women back. Ive heard that a lot lately. Any rational person knows that's impossible. We can't even achieve more empathy for men with the suicide rate is so high. It's people manipulating our societies feelings for personal gain.

Imagine a young women with the victim/victimizer perspective in a corporation as a manager. How equitable will she be towards male employees. Particularly if it means choosing between a women or man in hiring, promotion or disputes. Throw in the misandrist, racist indoctrination of DEI and you have a toxic workplace.

I don't think men want women to fix them. I believe they just want to be treated equally. With the same empathy, compassion and respect they would show a women. What a better world it would be for all.

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'It’s rare these days to find a man who wants to support you but who is also comfortable with letting you sparkle.'

This is the kind of comment that makes me wonder what is going on in young women's heads. (I'm neither young nor a woman.) Supporting a woman and allowing her to sparkle sounds exactly right to me. Isn't that just what most men want? Where do young women get these ideas about men that seem (to me) to be obviously false?

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Excellent piece. I was vaguely composing comments while reading it, when I came across...

"Young men should take a lesson from young women in terms of working hard and working on yourself and working hard for others. It’s a constant female thing to apologize for your success. "

...and I had my comment! You are exactly right on both statements. More men have to step up to the frigging plate, and internalize that life is HARD. Don't expect to be handed anything. And women should get a little more boastful, a little swagger, and don't be afraid to point out that you've got it figured out. Maybe you could give some tips to some of the men!

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This is a category-buster in the department of Best Danielle Column ever! Bea/Danielle conversation is always the most enlightening kind of conversation - and getting more than a shout out for my love affair marriage put it over the top.

I'm so interested that Bea was struck by that particular speech - so many young women I've talked to about the movie have had the same response. I'm interested because a version of it has been making the rounds for 20+ years, and I would have thought something would have changed by now. Sadly, not.

Just remember that while it may be a man's, man's, man's world, it wouldn't mean nothin' without a woman or a girl!

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I stopped reading after the Roe ruling was mentioned. Plenty of women agree with me that abortion is murder, and there isn’t a proper defense, even a convoluted one (unlike gun control or banning the use of DDT).

Have a good day.

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