Jul 4, 2022Liked by Danielle Crittenden

If you are patient in a moment of anger, you will escape a hundread days of sorrow. - Chinese proverb

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It's useful to have a simple term to capture a type of behavior but I dunno. I know some very nice women named "Karen" and they are justifiably unhappy about how their name has been hijacked.

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Love this! I have to do a presentation to adults who are known to have trouble with dealing with authority figures, and others, and I think I will read your story to them and do a story time. It is amusing and informative and points out thinking before you start attacking a stranger; being empathetic (a word I don't normally like but I like your context; I prefer sympathetic). You point out proper communication skills; something I believe we were given permission, by example, to forgo since 2018 give or take. I think we all know who the leader of the pack is. Also, I once worked with a very intelligent young woman with a soft southern drawl that never wavered and everyone loved her even when she was a bit treacherous. No one called her out b/c she was sweet and good at her job. Your story points out self-awareness, managing emotions, empathy and social skill. Thank you.

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